Wednesday, April 16, 2008

California photos

News and Updates from the Sersea Family 4/16/2008

Greetings and Salutations,
We're currently living in Tustin, California, right on the border with Irvine, California.
Vali is finishing up her certificate program from Irvine Valley College in less than a month.
Michael is currently in Jr. Kindergarden and growing by leaps and bounds both physically, socially, and intellectually.
Elvis is currently teaching in Glendale at the high school level, and continues investing most of his free time on his fledgling business, Teach Me Help Me Educational Services.
We haven't been back to Romania for many years, and it doesn't look like we'll be visiting Romania in 2008. Hopefully, we'll visit Romania in 2009 and see many of our family friends and acquaintances then. Until then, we hope to continue posting new photos and news on our websites.
Thank you for visiting.

2007 Orange County, California - Sersea Family Photos